

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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A new optional Salesforce Cartridge 3.4.x is available that corresponds to the officially re-certified CoreMedia LINK cartridge version 20.1.x. It includes a series of changes that result from new certification requirements. Nevertheless, the previous 3.3.x cartridges are still compatible and supported.


  • two new cartridges added to support SiteGenesis with the same customization approach as for SFRA and contain only the changed resources. They are placed in front of the cartridge path (int_coremedia_sg_changes, int_coremedia_sg_demo)

  • the cartridge layout is changed to meet the certification requirements (cartridges subfolder, folder naming)

  • due to the prerequisite lint checks there are extensive changes in existing code (order of methods, variable declarations, JS Doc, ...)

  • most of the scripts are renamed to meet the “camelCase” requirement (e.g. CMFragmentServic.js -> cmFragmentService.js)

  • several other certification requirements and best practices have been implemented, leading to code and template changes, e.g

    • session.privacy used instead of session.custom

    • filterLogMessage() implemented for services

    • response.getWriter() is not used

    • <isscript> is only used to add assets (or in overwritten templates from SFRA/SiteGenesis)

    • all writers are closed

The cartridge 3.4.x is compatible with all CoreMedia versions since 1904.


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