Release Notes / Version 10.2107
Table Of ContentsLink Parameters are passed into Commerce-Led Link Generation
Link parameters (e.g. "view") are passed into commerce-led link generation for commerce links. Template:
<#assign linkParams={ "name" : "peter", "city": "Hamburg" } > <#assign testLink=cm.getLink(self, "niceView", linkParams)/>
Sfcc Link in Fragment Response:
<!--VTL $include.url('CM-Content','contentId','14992-14992','name','peter','city','Hamburg','view','niceView') VTL-->
Fixed handling of cyclic navigation structures in CAE
Fixed a bug where the CAE failed to render any page of a site whose root navigation was part of a cyclic navigation structure. For a cycle that contains the root navigation a better to understand error message is now rendered. Cyclic links on other hierarchy levels do not lead to broken previews anymore. A Studio validator and corresponding log messages are available in any case.
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