

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Use the SettingsService to resolve nested values in Structs

Use the SettingsService in the StructAdapter to resolve nested values in Structs. This doesn`t change the StructAdapters behaviour.


Content object now contain the new property 'repositoryPath'

For certain customers it might be essential to retrieve folder information of content to be able to implement operational clients. The content-schema now contains the new property repositoryPath for all content object, for example, sites, channels, articles.


Minor improvements on headless content schema

In order to sharpen the graphql responses, some properties are now defined as non-null, thus making null checks unnecessary on the client side.


New Boolean flag "includeSubType" for search query

Starting with this release, the search query features a new boolean flag 'includeSubType'. Set to 'true', it indicates to also include the sub types of the given doc types (if any) in the search.


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