

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Jangaroo Version Updates

Jangaroo has been updated to support Studio Client application plugin development. Jangaroo Maven Plugin version 4.0.76 contains two new features:

  • A new goal package-plugin to use in your Studio Client application plugin POM to produce a plugin zip artifact

  • A new jangaroo:run option -DadditionalPackagesDir to start Studio with a locally developed plugin

Ext AS has been updated to 7.2.0-2 to support dynamic loading of additional packages from Studio Client application plugins.

For details, see the new chapter "Developing with Plugins" of the Blueprint Developer Manual.


Checkin and Revert are now available in the Context Menu of the Translation Tree

The Context menu of the TranslationTree now provides two additional options that allow a checkin and revert of the selected elements.


Support for multi destroy of workflows

The workflow panels for translation & publication workflow (Pending & Inbox) now offer a new button (trash icon) within the top toolbar. It enables Editors to destroy (former abort) multiple workflows at once. Select one or more workflow(s) and the button will be enabled, in case you have the rights to abort your selection of workflows. Clicking the button will destroy your selection after a confirmation dialog.


Fixed accessibility issues for richtext area and taxonomies

To support screen readers like JAWS the following issues have been fixed:

  1. The contenteditable attribute of a richtext area always has value true. If the component is read-only, making changes is not possible.

  2. Taxonomy tags have an additional aria-label attribute containing the taxonomy path.

  3. Taxonomy search only shows tag suggestions which are not already selected.


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