

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Maturing Translation API: TranslatablePredicate and TranslatablePredicateConfiguration

In order to mature our experimental translation API, we had to refactor com.coremedia.translate.TranslatablePredicate . Instead of implementing isTranslatable(CapPropertyDescriptor):boolean you now need to implement isTranslatable(List<CapPropertyDescriptor>):boolean .

The change makes the implementation of com.coremedia.translate.TranslatablePredicate straightforward and less error-prone (caused by the slightly different semantics of the existing old methods).

In addition to that, we also eased adding more predicates to decide upon the translatable state of a property descriptor. Instead of having to adapt the bean named translatablePredicate in TranslatablePredicateConfiguration , you can now just add additional predicates to your Spring context. All existing predicates will be ORed to decide, if a property descriptor is considered translatable or not. A positive decision of any predicate cannot be vetoed.

If for any reason, you need a veto-algorithm, you still need to override the bean translatablePredicate .


The upgrade path differs for API usages and API implementations.

API Usages:

If you used isTranslatable(CapPropertyDescriptor):boolean only, your code most likely does not need to be adapted at all. A compatible API still exists and will exist in future versions. Note though, that the compatible method isTranslatable(CapPropertyDescriptor...):boolean will only return true , if the last element of the list shall be considered translatable. Prior to this change the old method isTranslatable(CapPropertyDescriptor):boolean was documented, that it shall return true , if nested properties (for Structs) may exist, which are translatable.

API Implementations:

As API implementor you will experience, that your project won't compile. This is because the interface now requires implementing isTranslatable(List):boolean .

A compatible replacement for isTranslatable(CapPropertyDescriptor):boolean will just check for the first element of the list to be translatable. You may use the new method TranslatablePredicate.testFirst(Predicate, List):boolean as mentioned below for lambdas.

If you want to widen your implementation for Struct use-cases the following approach is suggested:

  • Rename your implementation of isTranslatable(CapPropertyDescriptor):boolean to isDescriptorTranslatable(CapPropertyDescriptor):boolean and make it private.

  • Implement isTranslatable(List):boolean as follows:

public boolean isTranslatable(List<? extends CapPropertyDescriptor> descriptors) {

Special Note on Lambdas:

If you used a lambda to implement TranslatablePredicate you will get an error as the input argument changed from CapPropertyDescriptor to List<CapPropertyDescriptor . A sufficient change would be to get the first element of the list and continue to check that element. The possible NoSuchElementException is acceptable, as it is an error, if an empty list is passed to the predicate.

As alternative, a convenience API exists, which is meant to ease your upgrade process. Instead of:

TranslatablePredicate tp =
  d -> "xml".equals(d.getName());

you may change this to:

TranslatablePredicate tp =
  ds -> TranslatablePredicate.testFirst(
          d -> "xml".equals(d.getName()),


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