

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Deprecation: Site Manager is deprecated for editorial work

The Site Manager is deprecated for editorial work. Please use CoreMedia Studio instead.


Improved ActiveDirectoryUserProvider

There is a new UserProvider for Active Directory, the SimpleActiveDirectoryUserProvider. It is based on the sAMAccountName, rather than on the userPrincipleName. This has been a frequent project requirement recently, and it is also suitable for Azure Domain Services. The old ActiveDirectoryUserProvider is still available, so there are no migration efforts. The configuration template ( is the same for both UserProviders. It has been cleaned up by replacing rarely changed properties with according default values (some of which differ for the two UserProviders). However, all configuration options are still available, and if you stick to the ActiveDirectoryUserProvider, you don't need to change your configuration. To the best of our knowledge, the UserProviders are compatible for default Active Directory setups, but Active Directory is complex, and there may be some nasty details.

For details see Content Server Manual, section ActiveDirectoryUserProvider.


Updated AWS SDK for Java

Our AWS SDK based features have been ported from v1.11 to v2.0. For details see . More precisely, we switched from 1.11.335 to 2.5.33. To the best of our knowledge, everything works as before, even though AWS SDK for Java v2.0 is a major rewrite and comes with a completely changed API.

If you use AWS SDK for Java v1.11 in your project, it should still work side by side with v2.0. Since Amazon changed esp. artifact and package names, there are no conflicts between v1.11 and v2.0.


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