

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Removed 'commerce.adapter.*.endpoint' properties

The `commerce.adapter.\*.endpoint` properties were renamed to `\*`.


Update chef-sugar cookbook

Because the author of the open source software chef-sugar , yanked his gem releaes, an update to the cookbook and the gem is necessary. For CoreMedia releases prior to 1907 , this also requires an update of chef from 12.8.1 to 12.22.1 .


Websphrere Commerce proxy hosts renamed

The proxy hostnames for the development proxy hosts for the Websphere Commerce Shop have been renamed:

Follow Section, “Websphrere Commerce proxy hosts renamed” for upgrade information.


Sitemanager deployment with Webswing removed

Due to licensing issue, the CoreMedia Site-Manager docker image no longer uses the Webswing framework. As a replacement, the Site-Manager can now be downloaded as a preconfigured zip archive from the docker container at <container>:80/ .


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