

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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UAPI and Headless-Server properties have changed.

The following UAPI properties have changed. Previous versions are still working but have been deprecated and should be migrated:

Follow Section, “UAPI and Headless-Server properties have changed.” for upgrade information.


Select Sites for Synchronization Workflow

For synchronization workflows there now exists the option to select a sub-tree of all derived sites. It allows you to synchronize your master changes only to a selected set of derived sites while leaving the others untouched.

Follow Section, “Select Sites for Synchronization Workflow” for upgrade information.


Removed Blueprint Extension nuggad

The Blueprint Extension nuggad has been removed. This service has been discontinued as of 30th September 2019.


XliffImporter/XliffExport: Provide API with direct Xliff in-/output

XliffImporter and XliffExporter now provide an API to directly hand over objects of type Xliff. This provides the option, that you may use custom Xliff parsing. As this extends the corresponding interfaces, you may need to implement the methods now, in case you provided custom implementations for XliffImporter and/or XliffExporter .

Follow Section, “XliffImporter/XliffExport: Provide API with direct Xliff in-/output” for upgrade information.


New Merge Strategy "Overwrite Target Site" for Synchronization Workflows

There is a new merge strategy available for synchronization workflows: "Overwrite Target Site". When this strategy is chosen, mergeable properties in the derived sites are overwritten with the property value from the master site. The update of properties in the derived site is not dependent on the translation state or if there is a new master version, it is executed always.

Follow Section, “New Merge Strategy "Overwrite Target Site" for Synchronization Workflows” for upgrade information.


Disabled JMX in 'local' Spring environment

Both Spring Boot's built-in JMX as well as the CoreMedia management-component are disabled in 'local' Spring environment to speedup the startup process of local applications. The management component can be re-enabled by providing the system property 'components.disabled=none'.


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