

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Property 'disallow.spring.bean.overrides' no longer supported.

Property disallow.spring.bean.overrides is no longer supported. Use spring boot property spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding instead.


HCL Commerce v9

HCL Commerce v9 is now the primary version. While v8 is still supported, the demo data (e.g. segment IDs) but also URL patterns/paths are adapted to v9 by default.


Minor UserProvider Changes

Bulk requests like LdapMember#getLdapGroups led to many members with the same expiration, which in turn caused LDAP roundtrip peaks when they expired. Now, the LdapUserProvider (esp. the SimpleActiveDirectoryUserProvider and the ActiveDirectoryUserProvider ) deskew their members' expirations by a random factor up to 10% of the configured com.coremedia.ldap.expiration in order to equalize invalidations over time. I.e. if you configure an expiration of 3600s (one hour, default), a member may not be refreshed up to 3960s. If the exact maximum expiration is important in your project, you should lower your com.coremedia.ldap.expiration value accordingly.

Follow Section, “Minor UserProvider Changes” for upgrade information.


Update of mongo-java-driver to 3.11.2

The mongo-java-driver has been updated to 3.11.2.


Deprecation: LdapMember#getOrganizationalUnit

LdapMember#getOrganizationalUnit has been unused for a long time, therefore it is deprecated now. There is a No-Op-default method, so you do not need to implement it in your LdapMember implementations any longer. In the unlikely case that you use the method in your project code, please let us know, describe your usecase, and we will find a way to preserve the necessary functionality without using it ourselves.


MongoDB deployment with authentication

In Chef and Docker Deployment, MongoDB is deployed now with authentication enabled. The user coremedia/coremedia is created by default. In Docker deployment, the user root/root is created additionally. These credentials need to be changed for Live Deployments.

Follow Section, “MongoDB deployment with authentication” for upgrade information.


Update to the Installed Packages for Salesforce Marketing Cloud

As of August 1, 2019, Marketing Cloud has removed the ability to create legacy packages. See Legacy Packages . Our SFMC integration works now for the Installed Packages using Access Token for Server-to-Server Integrations . You don't support anymore Legacy Packages which required legacy authentification. See requestToken Reference for Legacy Packages


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