

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Non-seo product urls fixed

Product urls which are pointing to a PDP from WCS are working again.


Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities by updating third party libraries

The following third party party libraries have been updated to mitigate a number of security vulnerabilities (CVE-2020-5407, CVE-2020-9488, CVE-2020-1945, CVE-2020-9484, CVE-2020-13692):

  • Spring Boot 2.2.8.RELEASE

  • Spring Framework 5.2.7.RELEASE

  • Spring Security 5.2.5.RELEASE

  • Apache Tomcat 9.0.36

  • Byte Buddy 1.10.11

  • Postgres Driver 42.2.14

  • Powermock 2.0.7

  • Caffeine 2.8.3

  • Micrometer 1.3.9

  • Jetty 9.4.29.v20200521

  • Hibernate 5.4.17.Final

  • Ant 1.10.8

  • Netty 4.1.50.Final

  • Log4j To Slf4j 2.13.3

  • Okhttp 3.14.9

  • Maven Shade Plugin 3.2.4

  • Jackson 2.10.4


Image transformation: removeMetadata and sharpen fallbacks effective again

The configured fallbacks for removeMetadata and sharpen were not effective. Both properties always evaluated to false during image transformation when not explicitly set for a breakpoint.


Time travel and AJAX fixed in SFCC

The time travel feature has been broken in AJAX fragments in SFCC since the AJAX feature existed. It is working again in Studio Preview. A set preview date is processed correctly in such AJAX fragments. In addition, no further dynamic fragments are triggered if an AJAX fragment is already being processed.


Fixed configuration of multiple PBE StudioURL Whitelist entries

Consolidated CAE configuration properties allow the configuration of\-url\-whitelist with multiple comma\-separated entries.


Removed context:property-placeholder tags from spring XML resources

Removed context:property-placeholder tags from the following spring XML resources:

  1. META-INF/coremedia/component-caefeeder-solr.xml

  2. framework/spring/blueprint-sitemap.xml

  3. com/coremedia/cae/security-services.xml

  4. com/coremedia/cae/view-freemarker-services.xml

  5. com/coremedia/blueprint/base/multisite/bpbase-sitemodel.xml

  6. com/coremedia/blueprint/base/tree/bpbase-treerelation-services.xml

  7. framework/spring/bpbase-ec-cms-content.xml

Use @Configuration  classes with @PropertySource annotations instead.


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