

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Changed helper magnific-popup to brick

The Javascript helper magnific-popup has been moved to bricks since its only purpose is to provide the Magnific Popup functionality.

Follow Section, “Changed helper magnific-popup to brick” for upgrade information.


Changed helper Node-Decoration-Service to brick

The Javascript helper node-decoration-service has been moved to bricks since its only purpose is to provide event based DOM manipulations.

Follow Section, “Changed helper Node-Decoration-Service to brick” for upgrade information.


Changed helper device-detector to brick

The Javascript helper device-detector has been moved to bricks since its only purpose is to provide device detection functionality.

Follow Section, “Changed helper device-detector to brick” for upgrade information.


Unified Javascript, Sass and Freemarker utilities into new brick Utils

All utilities for Javascript, Sass and Freemarker have been moved from the /lib folder to the new API brick called "Utils". Therefore the dependencies in your themes and bricks and the includes in your templates need to be updated.

Follow Section, “Unified Javascript, Sass and Freemarker utilities into new brick Utils” for upgrade information.


Renamed video brick to mediaelement brick

The video brick has been renamed to mediaelement brick since its only purpose is to provide the mediaelement functionality.

Follow Section, “Renamed video brick to mediaelement brick” for upgrade information.


Removal: Deprecated "html5" views for CMVideo and CMAudio

The deprecated views CMVideo.html5.ftl and CMAudio.html5.ftl have been removed. Please use and instead.


Freemarker Code Completion in Frontend Workspace

To activate code completion for Java Classes in Freemarker Templates of the Frontend Workspace you now need to explicitly enable the Maven profile code-completion . Before the change the profile was enabled by default. The property skipFrontendCodeCompletion (which used to disable the dependencies required for code completion) does no longer exist.


Removal: Deprecated Legacy Responsive Media Format

The legacy responsive image format which is deprecated since CoreMedia 7 is no longer supported by the responsive images JavaScript of the Frontend Workspace. In case you did not make any customizations to the responsive images format and use the function responsiveImageLinksData of the BlueprintFreemarkerFacade there is nothing to do.

Follow Section, “Removal: Deprecated Legacy Responsive Media Format” for upgrade information.


Removal: Freemarker function bp.getPlacementByName()

The deprecated Freemarker function bp.getPlacementByName(name, pagegrid) has been removed. Use the default implementation pagegrid.getPlacementForName(name) instead.


Removal: Freemarker function bp.uncroppedImageLink()

The deprecated Freemarker function bp.uncroppedImageLink(picture) has been removed. Use the default implementation cm.getLink( instead.


Third-Party Update: jQuery to 3.4.1

Updated jQuery from 3.3.1 to 3.4.1 in the blueprint and in the frontend workspace. If you are using jQuery in your themes, please update the dependency in the package.json of the theme too to avoid importing both jquery versions.

Follow Section, “Third-Party Update: jQuery to 3.4.1” for upgrade information.


Introducing the new API Brick Concept and new Example Bricks

The Bricks have been split up into two categories. We now distinct between API Bricks and example bricks to showcase the use of API Bricks.

Follow Section, “Introducing the new API Brick Concept and new Example Bricks” for upgrade information.


Changed Video Behaviour for Example-Bricks

The renderMedia macro in defaultTeaser.ftl accepts an additional mediaView parameter that can be used to change the default configuration for media in a certain view.

Follow Section, “Changed Video Behaviour for Example-Bricks ” for upgrade information.


Removal: Freemarker Function lc.getSecureScheme()

The deprecated and unused Freemarker function lc.getSecureScheme() has been removed. Since HTTPS is the default nowadays, all requests should be secured and this fuction is not needed anymore.

Follow Section, “Removal: Freemarker Function lc.getSecureScheme()” for upgrade information.


Introduced new theme "ChefCorp"

Two new themes are added to the Frontend Workspace. One new theme called "ChefCorp" is introduced to replace the discontinued "Corporate" Theme. The Chef Corp website uses the same, just slightly altered content, but with a modern and iconic design. Additionally, a second theme called Shared-Example is added. This theme is the shared base for the Blueprint themes "Calista" and "Chef Corp". They use the new Theme Inheritance mechanism, which has been introduced in this release too.


Rendering for 360-Spinner now takes "Pictures and Other Media" into account

The rendering for the 360-Spinner was streamlined with the rendering for other media variants. This means it now takes media linked to "Pictures and Other Media" into account and can be used inside "Pictures and Other Media" of other CMTeasables as well.


Removal: Brick "cta"

The brick " @coremedia/brick-cta " has been removed from the frontend workspace. Please use the freemarker library cta.ftl contained in @coremedia/ftl-utils instead.


Removal: Brick "responsive-images"

In 1807.1 the brick " @coremedia/brick-media " was introduced as a replacement for the brick " responsive-images ". The latter brick has now been removed from the frontend workspace. Please check the upgrade notes of 1807.1 for further information.


Added new favicon handling

The implementation of the favicon functionality has been changed

Follow Section, “Added new favicon handling” for upgrade information.


Removal: Deprecated bootstrap carousel code

The bootstrap carousel implementation has been replaced with the slick carousel in all packages of the frontend workspace since CoreMedia 1904. The slick carousel provides a state of the art carousel / slideshow implementation that is highly customizable (see ). It was already in use for the brick @coremedia/brick-responsive-carousel for a couple of releases.

Follow Section, “Removal: Deprecated bootstrap carousel code” for upgrade information.

(CMS-13813) will no longer render a title attribute

The template contained in the @coremedia/brick-media brick will no longer add the content name or the copyright property to the title attribute of the img html tag.


Introduced Theme Configuration

A theme is now configured via a theme.config.json (or theme.config.json5 ) instead of having a hard coded configuration in the build process.

Follow Section, “Introduced Theme Configuration” for upgrade information.


Removal: Cycle2 Plugin

We removed the Cycle2 plugin and replaced the remaining usages with the Slick Carousel ( ).

Follow Section, “Removal: Cycle2 Plugin” for upgrade information.


Removal: Dimmer configuration from templates

All configuration regarding for dimmer rendering has been removed from templates. Please use the dimmer mixin which is part of the @coremedia/sass-utils package as a replacement.

Follow Section, “Removal: Dimmer configuration from templates” for upgrade information.


Removal: Optional parameter "limitAspectRatios"

The parameter limitAspectRatios , used in Freemarker templates, has been removed. It was used to limit the aspect ratios for the responsive images, but was mostly never set and caused some confusion. If you are using it in your themes, you can still use it, but our bricks do not support the parameter anymore.


Added Themes Inheritance

The Frontend Workspace supports themes depending on another theme in its package.json . So it will include all Freemarker templates, JavaScript, SCSS files, localizations, images and brick dependencies, inherited from its parent.

Follow Section, “Added Themes Inheritance” for upgrade information.


Third-Party Update: Webpack 4 and Babel 7

Webpack and Babel has been updated to version 4 and 7 respectively.

Follow Section, “Third-Party Update: Webpack 4 and Babel 7” for upgrade information.


Introduced new example brick "popup"

The brick "quickinfo" has been removed and is replaced by the new example brick "popup", which is based on the library magnific-popup . The template view for this layout is named *.asPopup.ftl .

Follow Section, “Introduced new example brick "popup"” for upgrade information.


Removal: elevateZoom Plugin

Removed the "elevateZoom" plugin used in "product-assets" example brick. The functionality is now handled by a more up-to-date custom implementation.


Dependency check for bricks is now active again

Due to a bug the dependency check that makes sure that all used dependencies are declared in the corresponding package's package.json was not active for bricks. This was unintentional and has been fixed now. In case you have created custom bricks or made adjustments to existing ones it may happen that after the upgrade the theme build will fail stating that you need to add some dependencies to your bricks.


Moved theme-importer to studio-server

The frontend workspace now produces a via yarn ( frontend/target/ ). The does not contain the themes anymore and the content workspace has no dependency on the frontend workspace anymore.

Follow Section, “Moved theme-importer to studio-server” for upgrade information.


Maven Proxy Settings will now only be passed for "yarn install"

When passing proxy settings to other yarn scripts lerna will complain about unknown parameters. As lerna is not in place for yarn install (and that's where the proxy settings come into play) the maven proxy settings should now be working as expected.


Unified Search Input Fields

All search input fields now share the same HTML markup and CSS classes, following the BEM model.

Follow Section, “Unified Search Input Fields” for upgrade information.


Removal: Layout variants "superhero" and "squarelist" from Hybris

View variants superhero and squarelist have been removed from test content because no corresponding templates exist for LiveContext for SAP Hybris.


Render macro of cta.ftl will no longer render an empty div tag

If no Call-To-Action button is configured the render macro of the cta.ftl contained in @coremedia/ftl-utils will no longer render an empty div.


Removal: Freemarker Function lc.fragmentHighlightingMetaData()

The deprecated Freemarker function lc.fragmentHighlightingMetaData() has been removed. It was the same as bp.getPlacementHighlightingMetaData() .

Follow Section, “Removal: Freemarker Function lc.fragmentHighlightingMetaData()” for upgrade information.


Removal: Brick "livecontext"

The livecontext brick has been removed. All functionality has been spread over different bricks (enhancing their functionality to support commerce objects out of the box), moved into new bricks or has been removed if it was considered dead code. We strongly suggest to check each of the changes to decide about the impact on your existing themes.

Follow Section, “Removal: Brick "livecontext"” for upgrade information.


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