

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Deprecated class ``

Class `` is deprecated. Use spring security CSRF protection instead.


Avoid NullPointerException in CommunityUserServiceImpl

Avoid NullPointerException when using null as password in, This e.g. happened in case of LiveContextUserSessionSynchronizerImpl where only a dummy user is created without password.


Deprecated UriComponentsBuilder as @Link and @LinkPostProcessor method argument

The UriComponentsBuilder is subtle concerning URL encoding, and if you retrieve an existing one of uncertain state, you cannot determine how to handle it appropriately. This frequently leads to surprising results of the CAE's link building. Therefore, we deprecated UriComponentsBuilder as argument and return type for @Link and @LinkPostProcessor methods. Use UriComponents , and use UriTemplate as argument type in @Link methods, instead. When you change the signatures of your methods, use the following type conversions in your methods to match your code and achieve a backward compatible behavior. (This is how the link building framework casts between the types.)

For arguments:

  • @Link , UriTemplate → UriComponentsBuilder: UriComponentsBuilder.fromPath(uriTemplate.toString())

  • @LinkPostProcessor , UriComponents → UriComponentsBuilder: UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(uriComponents.toUri())

For return values:

  • UriComponentsBuilder → UriComponents:

UriComponentsBuilder is deprecated only as argument and return type, but may safely be used internally. It is still a useful class, if you can control its complete lifecycle, from creation to build() .


Filter deleted/destroyed content in Annotated LinkLists

Deleted and destroyed content is filtered from Annonated LinkLists now. CAE : Filtering is performed in CMLinkableBase Headless-Server : Filtering is performed in ExtendedLinkListAdapter. Additionally, a filter was introduced, that filters deleted/destroyed content generally (InProductionFilterPredicate).


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