

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Update to CKEditor 4.14.0

With the update to the jangaroo-libs release 4.0.50, the CKEditor was updated to version 4.14.0. Among others, this release of the CKEditor includes some security-related changes. See for more details.


Product Lists (Shelfs) fixed for Salesforce

Product search with facets is working. The facet values can be selected in the studio and the facets are taken into account in the product search. This fix comes with the newer Salesforce commerce adapter and do not depend on the CMS version.


Fixed dialog resize of project members dialog

Fixes issue that when members are added to a project, the dialog size did no increase to show all added members.


Fixed Taxonomy DnD Error

Inner document form tabs like 'Content' are now selected again, when a taxonomy node is dragged from the 'Metadata' tab the title of another tab.


Fixing Version History Collapse

Fixed issue that version history was shown on preview collapse.


Fixed OSM Marker Update

Fixed problem that the OSM marker wasn't positioned correctly after updating.


Fixed Auto-Publication of Taxonomy Documents

The logic for the auto publication trigger inside the taxonomy manager has been re-implemented. The taxonomy manager listens on content changes now and therefore publishes the document also when changes the are made on the externalRef or latitudeLongitude field.


Fixed hard-coded "CMLinkable" for the internal link dialog

The document type CMLinkable was hard coded inside the internal link dialog. The Blueprint configures the type for document links inside richtexts in the BlueprintFormsStudioPlugin :

<editor:ConfigureDocumentTypes names="CMTeasable"

This value is applied now. Since the value was never applied before and hard-coded to CMLinkable we changed the default to CMLinkable here as well.


Product lists (shelves) fixed for Salesforce

Product lists (shelves) have not worked so far. The parameters of the product search were not processed correctly. This has changed. In addition, all commerce searches are now cached for a short time (default is 5 minutes).


Removed Blueprint Doctypes from QuickCreate Settings

The of the core contained some Blueprint document type names. These defaults have been removed, therefore the list of content type names that should be provided for the quick-create must be configured in the Blueprint. This default already exists and is configured in the BlueprintFormsStudioPlugin.mxml .


Suppress CKEditor's Link-Dialog

By keystrokes, you were able to open CKEditor's own link-dialog, which collides with CoreMedia's link dialog. This behavior has been disabled.


Fixed format tooltip in some datefields in Studio

Some datefields in Studio have displayed a format text when hovering over the field, like the to-do due date field in a project. This is fixed now.


Added Plugin to Synchronize the Value And Store of a ComboBox

We added the SyncComboBoxValueWithStorePlugin that allows to bring ComboBox value and store entries in sync when both underlying ValueExpressions change simultaneously.


Fixed permission updates of users

When permission have been changed through the sitemanager, these permission have not been updated until another user has logged in before.

The issue is fixed with the new Studio usermanager where the updated user can immediately re-login with updated rights.


Fixed possible invalid itemIds for CollapsibleStringPropertyForm

The component CollapsibleStringPropertyForm uses the propertyName as itemId for the component. If the propertyName contains a '.', e.g. localSettings.title , the itemId contains the dot as well. This is no longer allowed with ExtJS 6.

We fixed this issue by replacing '.' with '-'. Additionally, if no title attribute is set, the CollapsibleStringPropertyForm component will try to resolve the title using the standard localization mechanism of the Studio for content type labels.


Fixed Validity Labels

Fixed content validity tooltip errors.


Studio REST Service will filter duplicate link properties in struct

The Studio REST Service is now filtering duplicate link properties in structs. A warning containing the list struct with duplicates will be printed to the logs.


Updated Documentation for In-Memory Setup of Studio

The documentation how to set the application properties to configure the In-Memory setup of Studio has been updated.


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