

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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WCS Category tree is broken

E-Commerce catalog objects with special characters (e.g.. /,+, or %) in their ID are now working again in Studio.


Fixed type error 'Cannot read property 'apply' of null'

When the Studio is closed a type error 'Cannot read property 'apply' of null' may be thrown in method EventUtil#executeQueueEntry. This is fixed now.


Fixed type error 'Cannot read property 'el' of null'

If the Studio is closed the type error 'Cannot read property 'el' of null' may occur in class AnimatedNotificationBase while rendering a notification popup.


Fixed type error 'Cannot read property 'saveTabbableState' of null'

When the Studio is closed, the type error 'Cannot read property 'saveTabbableState' of null' may occur originating from class BeanRecord. This is fixed now.


Fixed type error 'Value cannot be cast to com.coremedia.cap.content.Content'

When closing the Studio the type error 'Value cannot be cast to com.coremedia.cap.content.Content' thrown in method CatalogStudioPluginBase#getCatalogRootForStore may occur. This is fixed now.


Fixed type error 'Cannot read property '0' of undefined'

If the Studio is closed the type error 'Cannot read property '0' of undefined' thrown in method AnnotatedLinkListHelper#rowWidgetsAnnotatedBasedOnType may appear. This is fixed now.


Server-Side Studio Validators Hardened

Server-Side Studio validators have been hardened, so that they do not fail anymore, if the CapObject /{{Content}} to analyze is destroyed meanwhile.


Fixed Handling for ClientAbortException Broken Pipe

Studio clients may abort communication to server, which may cause exceptions on server side. The previous handling caused two exceptions to be logged in a row to Studio server log, containing keywords ClientAbortException (Tomcat exception) and Broken Pipe .

The error handling has been hardened, so that the server stops trying to contact clients which already triggered the ClientAbortException . These exceptions are still logged – but at debug level only.


Fixed logger output in class RemoteBeanImpl

If a communication error appears during a remote bean request, an error is written to the log. Instead of writing 'RemoteBeanImpl' the constructor function is written:

function constructor(){return this.constructor.apply(this,arguments)||null}

This is fixed now. Also fixed for QueuedRemoteBean.


Fixed type error in DateTimePropertyField

Fixed a type error in component DateTimePropertyField when it is used in annotated linklists in Studio.


Sites may not be available in Studio

If core elements of a site (especially the site indicator document) are manipulated it may happen, that several features relying on sites misbehave. Examples: Empty Sites App, no proposed target folders for newly created contents, no sites selectable in user preferences.

The implementation is now robust with regards to these problems.


Expanding and Collapsing All Rules of All Conditions of a Personalized Content is No Longer Slow

Expanding and Collapsing All Rules of All Conditions of a Personalized Content is No Longer Slow.


Derive Site: Progress State Propagated to All Studio Clients

If you derived a site you got a progress indicator in your Sites App. This indicator was only visible for initiators of the derive process. Now the progress state is propagated to all Studio Clients. Same applies to the progress indicator now being robust regarding Studio reload.

Note, that the communication between Studio Client and Studio Server has been adapted. The protocol has been extended, so that an old Studio Client can still communicate with the Studio Server, but not the other way round.


Category Augmentation Problem

Due to name conflicts with existing documents, when augmenting categories or products, the external id is now also part of the documents name. This ensures, that the name of a newly created augmenting document also changes, if the external id (which has to be unique) of the commerce item changes.


Fixed type error when clicking in the empty project panel

When a user opens the control room in Studio and clicks on the empty space in the projects panel a type error appeared in the browser console. This is fixed now.


Fixed type error when modifying content list in Studio projects

When you have created a project in Studio and set the content view to thumbnail view, then a type error appears in the browser console when you have dragged content to the project list. This is fixed now.


Fixed harmless invalid server request in Studio moderation

When opening the elastic social Studio moderation, a console error is displayed in the browser which results from an invalid server request and produces a http response 404. Apart from the error message in the console this error does not cause any misbehaviour in the Studio. The error is fixed now.


Fixed Studio Link Suggestions

Fixed a bug in Studio that content from a different site or from no site was suggested for addition to a content's link list. The suggestions will now always show content from the same site before content from outside the site.


Removed properties with default values from of studio server

The file for the studio-server contained some properties with default values. These have been removed.


Studio says there are errors or warnings when only info exists

Content Related Issues with Infotype Validity will now be displayed in the Issues- and Warnings Dialog, or in the Feedback Hub.


ASDoc: Package com.coremedia.cms.editor.sdk missing in Public API

Due to a documentation syntax error in one Studio public API class, the whole package com.coremedia.cms.editor.sdk was missing in the Studio ASDoc public API documentation.


Fixed "Cannot read property 'getFocusArea' of null" in Studio

When switching between picture documents in Studio the console error "Cannot read property 'getFocusArea' of null" appears. This is fixed now.


Improved accessibility for Active Jobs Button and Window

1.) The button to open the Active Jobs Window in Studio had two tab stops when it shows the progress bar. Removed one tab stop. 2.) When tabbing into the Active Jobs Window it was not possible to close the window using the ESC-key. This has been fixed.


CoreMedia Studio Robustness for Network Outages

The robustness of CoreMedia Studio on write requests to server has been increased regarding network outages.


Fixed QuickCreate Dialog Destruction Issues

Fixed an error inside the where values have been accessed after the dialog destruction.


Added UploadSettings as callback value of load method

UploadSettings inherits from BeanImpl. The load-method can be referred yia callback. As soon as the bean is loaded the callback gets called. The callback does now refer the UploadSettings.


Add org.springframework.http.converter.ResourceHttpMessageConverter by default

The org.springframework.http.converter.ResourceHttpMessageConverter is now added by default to the CAE and the Studio. This fixes the logfile actuator, if enabled.


Fixed type error 'Cannot read property 'getName' of null'

Fixed the type error 'Cannot read property 'getName' of null' thrown in method LivecontextStudioPluginBase#isContentLedValueExpression when accessing a site which is null.


Saving Preferences No Longer Duplicates Document Form Sub Tabs

We fixed a bug were saving preferences duplicates the sub-tabs of a document form.


Fixed type error 'Unable to get property 'setValue' of undefined or null'

When the Studio is closed, the type error 'Unable to get property 'setValue' of undefined or null' is thrown in class WorkflowSetPanelBase in several code lines. This is fixed now.


Elastic Social: Email Window fixed

When rejecting contributions or editing users, an E-mail template for the E-mail that is sent to the respective user can be edited. These templates were not updated correctly and even lead to an error in the "All contributions" view. This is fixed now.


Fixed type error 'Cannot read property 'getBoundingClientRect' of null'

If the Studio is closed, the type error 'Cannot read property 'getBoundingClientRect' of null' may occur in class AnimatedNotificationBase. This is fixed now.


Fixed error in taxonomy selection dialog for site specific taxonomies

Fixing an issue where the taxonomy chooser dialog did not pass the site id value to calculate the path of a node.


Fixed Seemingly Frozen Dashboard

We fixed a bug where the Studio Dashboard seemed to be frozen on Studio reload because a lot of contents were loaded in the background.


Missing xtype for SimpleSuggestionsComboBox added.

The Studio component SimpleSuggestionsComboBox now has the xtype com.coremedia.ui.config.simpleSuggestionsComboBox .


Transforming certain png-formats into icons does not work

Rendering the icon for the view type of collections failed for some PNG files. These PNG files contained metadata which confuses the JDK PNG image writer.

We now remove the metadata when rendering the icon in This is recommended for any images rendered in Studio anyway since these are not needed and just increase image size.


Fixed type error getSite() of null

When a component is already destroyed a type error 'getSite() of null' may appear which does not harm the Studio. This is fixed now.


Fixed Taxonomy Check-Out Exception

Fixed taxonomy error caused by automatic renaming of nodes.


Fixed pasting text during folder rename in library tree also copies a subfolder in Studio

The following bug is fixed: When a Studio user opens the library in tree view and selects a node to rename it and then pastes a text with Ctrl-V, then not only does it paste the new name but also copies a subfolder into the renamed folder.


Fixed opening an image content in Studio can produce a console error sometimes

The following console error could appear sometimes when opening image content in Studio:

TypeError: this.imageAreaBoundsValueExpression is null ImageAreaBase.js:261:8 
at isInsideBorder ImageAreaBase.js:261:8
at getImageAreaFromClickEvent ImageEditorStageBase.js:511:29
at findBy AbstractMixedCollection.js:391:16 
at getImageAreaFromClickEvent ImageEditorStageBase.js:509:67 
at handleImageAreaMouseMove ImageEditorStageBase.js:379:110

Besides the console output there is no negative impact on the Studio application. The error has been fixed now.


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