

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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When configuring Content Server blob stores, you can add a match condition that only activates the blob store when the blob is uploaded for documents of a certain type. This type condition was interpreted inconsistently depending on the client uploading the blob. While the Unified API and the publisher would check the condition versus the type in which the property is defined, the Site Manager and the replicator would use the exact type of the document instead.

The class has been extended to provide two different configuration options: documentTypeName matches the exact document type, whereas declaringDocumentTypeName , matches the type declaring the blob property. You need to review your blobstore configuration and change the match conditions as needed.

Note that this change does not cause the Content Server to move blobs that have been uploaded earlier. These remain in their (possibly incorrectly chosen) blobstores. To move the blobs, they have to be uploaded again, stored in a version and possibly published.


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