

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Fixed User Manager Delete Action

Admin users are no longer able to delete themselves when logged into the Studio.


Better Login Check

The login now checks the permissions of the given user more detaily.


Filter destroyed taxonomies when creating a comment

When creating a new comment, an exception occured, if the linked taxonomy was deleted or destroyed. This is fixed now, the affected taxonomies are filtered out.


Fixed Referrer Invalidations

In some situations the order of invalidations regarding referrers of a content was not deterministic. This lead to stale cache entries that still contained outdated referrers. The order of referrer invalidations is now fixed in the U-API client. This especially solves an error that shows "Cycle detected in tree relation" in the log or a Studio validator message regarding a cycle in the navigation, although the cyclic link was already removed from the content repository.


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