

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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New Headless Commerce Schema

The old commerce schema extension of the CoreMedia Headless Server was deprecated in 2101 and is now replaced by a new augmentation extension. Pure commerce data are no longer mixed with content in a single GraphQL schema. The CoreMedia Headless Server provides only content and augmentation data now. Commerce catalog data (like product details) have to be requested from the commerce system. A stitching server can be used to merge the GraphQL schema. It is part of the Spark workspace. To support this new approach a new component, the Headless Commerce Server, is provided as a CoreMedia Labs project (see ). It is not intended for productive use. It is only meant to support the Spark demo. In a productive scenario, additional data will be required from the commerce system. Please refer to the new Spark app and the documentation contained there ( ).


Ordered Content Schema

The content-schema file was ordered alphabetically by types, in order to raise the readability of the schema. Since the changed order does not change the code, this change does not break directly. However, customers who changed the content schema directly in that file (Blueprint), will most likely encounter a merge conflict.


New extension "headless-search"

All search related functionality of the Headless-Server has been moved to a new extension "headless-search" to move towards a service architecture.

Follow Section, “New extension "headless-search"” for upgrade information.


Site Query by Root Segment

Starting with 2104.1, the site query now additionally supports'rootSegment' as a query parameter as an alternative to 'siteId'. The new feature is considered breaking, if the pageByPathAdapter was used! PageByPathAdapter was renamed to ByPathAdapter and the implementation to fetch a site object was moved there. The old implementation in ContentRoot was deprecated.


Update of graphql-java to 16.1

The library com.graphql-java:graphql-java has been updated to version 16.1. The update contains several breaking changes, that may affect custom code, see documentation of graphql-java for details.


Remove CMTeaser target field from Headless content schema

The target field of CMTeaser is a duplicate of teaserTarget field. Since teaserTarget field is using Linklist adapter mechanism, it is a better implementation.


Blank lines in RichText

Blank lines in RichText are now delivered as <p><br/><p> for the default view and with corresponding elements for the asTree view. Before, blank lines were omitted.


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